
Showing posts from January, 2022

Focus on Progress Not Perfection

  Happy New Year 🎈🎉🎉🥳🥳! With the new year comes all sorts of resolutions and sometimes, "semi- resolutions." By semi resolutions, I am referring to those goals that you would really love to make happen but they stay in your head, you don't write them down and you may or may not follow through on them. There are also goals that you get fired up about but start to lose steam when you feel like you are not hitting your target 🎯.  Here's the thing, if you have made a mental shift and taken action towards your goals, then that's progress. As, it concerns health goals, when you start making little changes such as taking more steps or exercising for 10 to 15 minutes daily, you will start to notice improvements in your energy levels. Focusing on progress instead of perfection will keep you going. You may skip a work out day here and there but don't give up. Keep going, you are making progress. For more information about 360 Health Coaching and Cons