
Showing posts from June, 2020

Things to Consider when Creating Health Goals

In these times when we have been inundated with news from a pandemic and social unrest, we need to not forget about our health. Health goals are not just about exercising, sometimes I hear and see people talk about fitness goals as though they encompass all health goals.  Your health is connected to different systems in your body. Here are things to consider when making health goals.  Your Current Health Status:   To get to where you want to go, you first have to figure out where you are. A health assessment could come from your Medical practitioner giving you a clinical overview of your health status. It could also come from a health coach with a wellness or medical educational background. A rudimentary way to perform your own assessment is to basically take stock of how you feel based on symptoms you are presenting.  For example, if you have been feeling tired, you would need to go from having low energy to having enough energy to get through your day. Motiva