
Showing posts from January, 2023

Fresh Start Ideas 🎆

🙂Make a focus list for the year:  Goals are a good idea because they heighten your focus. Sometimes we could shy away from making goals because we fear not being able to follow through with them. However, it takes practice to become someone who follows through with goals. Envisioning your goals as a focus list is a good way to decrease the internal pressure. When I started goal setting, I was reluctant at first but I realized that it helped me have a sense of focus that I otherwise would not have had.  🙂 Declutter some part of your home:  You may decide to declutter your purse, briefcase, or your closet. Pick something around you to declutter. Having less clutter will give you some space to think. Studies have shown that decreasing clutter  leads to increased focus, decreased anxiety and improved mental health. Decluttering can be an overwhelming activity so breaking it up into manageable practical sessions is more effective than deciding that you will finish working on y