
Showing posts from October, 2020

Health tips For First time Moms

Pregnancy is one of those experiences that vary widely for people. Some women have easy pregnancies, and others have difficult or high-risk pregnancies. Mine was a difficult season in my life. Before pregnancy, I had a desire to help new moms. This only intensified when I went through my own pregnancy journey. Prior to pregnancy, I was motivated to help new moms when I encountered the research associated with postpartum depression. I thought it was possibly situational and related to the pressure of being a new mom. I have learned (learnt) that it is a combination of situational and physiological issues. I will discuss that in more detail in this post.       I have written this article to help new moms. It can be overwhelming to transition from having no baby, being pregnant, and then becoming a new mom. Emotional overwhelm can make it hard to absorb facts and remember them. Having a baby in the current social and health climate would leave most moms feeling overwhelmed. It